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Showing posts from April, 2024

Punished for Moving - the confounding impact of Post Exertional Malaise

 I used to joke with my admin that I'm allergic to Mondays.  It didn't really feel like a joke, as I felt loaded with shame at the moment.  It was the fourth or fifth Monday in a row in which I cancelled my patient schedule due to feeling unwell.  This unidentified unwellness, which I didn't know was Long COVID, usually began as a lightheaded slightly out of breath feeling on Saturday.  On Sunday, this would escalate to a severe headache.  I'm not one to have headaches (at least I wasn't before). I'd go into PT mode and self treat, working on trigger points and mobilizing my neck, jaw.  Nothing would help.  I'd take an OTC medicine, which would for a little bit, at least to get to sleep.  On Monday I'd wake up with a pounding head, mild fever, and nausea when I tried to get ready for work or eat breakfast.   Sometimes I would cancel Monday, rest for a day, and force myself through the rest of the week.  I love being a PT.  I love meeting people, forming

A snippet of home life

I just gave my first talk about Long COVID to a couple of physical therapy friends Friday.  Indeed, I've been paying the price of doing that as well as drafting letters about the close of my business the same day.  This weekend involved lots of sitting with feet up, liquids, salt, and quiet rooms due to the headache and fever that resulted.  However, I can unequivocally say it was WORTH IT.  To teach other health providers about screening, support, and advocacy for people with Long COVID was fulfilling in a way I have never experienced before.  It made me emotional (good tears).   If you know medical providers or are one yourself, do get in touch with me if you'd like a presentation as well.  I can swing doing 1-2 a month with recovery time.  I do not ask for payment.  This blog and my outreach to healthcare providers is a way for me to pay forward all the help I've received from friends and family.  Email me at Back to the point of this po

New to Long COVID? These are my favorite resources.

 Below is a list of great starting materials for learning about Long COVID.  Please note that I share only information that has strong backing/congruence with large universities, the World Health Organization, and/or the National Institute for Health.  While I'm sure there are other helpful resources outside that, there are also a lot of rabbit holes that create confusion and harm.  I do not support the spread of misinformation.  Start here:  Comprehensive Patient Guide to Long COVID Treatment: Link to my follow-up blog post here about it. Long COVID Physio:   *This is a first stop.  It has very helpful videos that are easy to digest and understand what you need to do to start managing this condition yourself.    Peoples Pharmacy Long COVID Discussion:   *This is a really good podcast especially for friends/family to unders

Long COVID Changed Everything, and it's going to be okay.

Trigger warning: I talk about disability, mental health, pelvic health, and traumatic personal experience in this post.  It's important for me to share in this way, to spread understanding on the diverse ways Long COVID may be experienced.  However, if these subjects or levels of disclosure are triggering for you, I completely understand your decision to not read on.    --------- This is my story about how Long COVID changed everything.  Because I'm a medical professional, definitions are important to me.  Long COVID is defined as symptoms that take place, for no other reason, within 2-4 weeks after initial COVID-19 infection and last longer than three months.  The most common symptoms are fatigue, post-exertional malaise, flu-like symptoms, headache, nausea, heart palpitations, brain fog, and dysautonomia.  This definition was just recently developed by the World Health Organization. The condition certainly wasn't widely recognized back in July 2022 when my husband and I c