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Showing posts from July, 2024

Why a Long COVID Diagnosis is Important

I've heard a few stories that have concerned me lately, beyond someone going to their primary care to discuss Long COVID, and the doctor admitting they need to do some research before they can help (which is completely understandable -- this is a new condition!).  The first one comes from a friend struggling with a resurgence of autoimmune symptoms along with fatigue and sleep problems.  While this person has not tested positive, the symptoms came about during the course of the pandemic.  They've been in and out of multiple doctors and specialists, with no clear diagnosis.  Thankfully some drug prescriptions have helped calm down most of the symptoms.  Knowing all of their symptoms are on the top ten list for people with Long COVID, AND up to 30% of people with Long COVID have never had Acute COVID symptoms, AND that Long COVID often comes with an acquiring of a or worsening of autoimmune disease, we encouraged this person to talk to their medical team about it.  The team's


As I type today I've got my feet up on a pillow and have some slight tremors remaining in my fingers.  Over the past month I've been set back by a relapse of my Long COVID symptoms.  I think it's important to write about this especially to help any of you out there feeling at a loss when your abilities suddenly change.   Before the relapse hit, I was doing pretty well.  I was able to perform some light house chores, hold conversation with my family and friends, and even go to the grocery store without needing the rest of the day to recover.   My imagination was starting to run on me, thinking of projects and plans I could pursue in the garden, in the house, and on this blog.  Then a couple of things happened.  First, I had a neurocognitive evaluation for two x half day sessions.  The good news is we learned that my cognition is doing very well!  The bad news is I'm like a computer running on low battery.  I can only do so much until I start experiencing concussion-like

A Support Group for People with Long COVID

I am pleased to announce that a peer of mine with Clear Path Counseling and Wellness is starting a support group for people with fatigue issues, including Long COVID.  Also consider this group if you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Chronic Pain, or any condition that limits your energy to move and think.  I myself will be participating in this group, and I hope to meet some of you there.  Here is the link to register: The full description is below:  Finding an Okay Within Fatigue: A Support Group for People with Long COVID or Chronic Illness Whether you find yourself working through flareups of fatigue, feelings of frustration or grief, loss of social connection, or adjusting your lifestyle around the health impacts of a chronic condition, this group is designed to provide a safe space to be witnessed in community as you work through that impact with support.   Th